“Whatever course you decide upon there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires....courage.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A quote from the Tasting Notes for Robert Sinskey POV. Few things are more true than these words. Life and wine are a journey. Pick a course, explore with eyes and mind wide open, have no fear of mistakes, love what you love. Having said this, if you love giant Napa Butter Bomb Chardonnays (Rombauer) we cannot be friends...It's not me, it's YOU! POV stands for Point of View. The idea is it doesn't matter what I think about this wine. The questions is what do you think!?...it's my blog so I am going to tell you what I think anyway!! Dark and ripe fruit, medium complexity, light to medium tannins, medium viscosity, clean finish. I've seen this wine described as Red "Bordeaux" Blend .... INAPPROPRIATE! Bordeaux is a style of wine but more importantly it's an actual place. The appropriate term for an American wine in the style of a Bordeaux is Meritage. This particular Meritage is in the style of Right Bank Bordeaux (Mostly Merlot but also Cab and Cab Franc). Any wine that is mostly Merlot is typically more "ready to go" and needs little time to allow the air to burn off the tannins. POV is ready to go! Still, I prefer to pop the cork and stick it in the fridge for 15 minutes to make it just right. This is a big enough wine to stand up a hardy ribeye or pasta with red gravy and zauzige (sausage if you ain't from Philly or NY). Retails for around $30 a bottle. Super solid stuff. Go git you some!
Thanks for reading!
Doc Jay
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